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Increase your income with the latest AWE features!

Increase your income with the latest AWE features!

Increase your income with the latest AWE features!

Let your audience know about all these great additions that make either credit purchase easier or allow for save more on buying credits!


This function gets activated whenever the member’s credit balance is under 7 credits. SmartBuy automatically buys a 27.99 package whenever the account balance is low so they don’t have to bother with disconnecting from a private chat. The default package purchased through SmartBuy can be changed, the members can choose their preferred package from the selector under Settings.


  • Automatized transactions lead to multiple and repeated credit buying
  • No interruptions, longer privates resulting in an increased spending

Promotions on the featured page

Until recently, promotional banners only appeared on the main page of the sites. However, as many webmasters use a featured page as a selection of their most profitable models and their members are most likely to be landing on this page as they can find all the most popular models on the same page, it is advised to place promotions on the featured page. All commercials appear automatically on a featured page and you can also add coupon code banners, blog excerpts. Get better recognition for your promotions on your home page!


  • Your promotions appear on your most popular and most important page
  • Better awareness of your promotions, more effective recall and driving purchase

Coupon code on the featured page

Place your Coupon code promotion on your featured page or main page to turn your visitors into credit purchasing members. The coupon code is a highly effective promo tool that grants a reduced price for first time purchases after signing up on a site. You can set the discount up to 40%, activate or deactivate any time you wish and even set start and end dates of your promotion.


  • You can offer a highly reduced price for first time purchases
  • Convert visitors into paying members in an instant

Bitcoin and Giftcard payment options

Two new payment methods have been introduced lately on all of our sites. Let your members know that all Bitcoin account owners can now purchase credits on whitelabels and brand sites. Bitcoin is an alternative payment system, first introduced in 2009 that has since gained a massive user base. Bitcoin provides easy and fast payment that requires no card validation.

Gift cards have been the number one option as holiday gifts due to the fact that they can be deposited at many more sites than at their issuers. In fact, with the help of our latest payment processor partner, we are able to accept gift cards issued by more than 100 brands, including Foot Locker, TGI Friday’s and Olive Garden. If you have US traffic, let your US-based members know that as of now they can trade in their gift cards for credits!


  • Seamless, uncomplicated payment options
  • A great means of alternative payment

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