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Income Calculator Promo Tools - use them on your site

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Income Calculator Promo Tools - use them on your site

Income Calculator Promo Tool - use them on your site

These interactive banners give actual estimations of potential earnings on the landing page, made to draw attention of potential applicants. You may be familiar with this feature already from our Affiliate Income Calculator page.

You can find the Income Calculator in several sizes among the new Promo Tools, by selecting Model Center or as the site, respectively.

We aimed at the most precise and exact figures to be represented in the estimates. The tool therefore shows valid numbers even in the case of the models. As for the webmasters, it is not that easy to determine their average incomes, as everyone has a different amount of traffic on their sites. However, the tools represent genuine numbers.

The Model Center has been completely renewed recently, making it easier for the models to register and allows for an easier user experience and a much better conversion than ever before.