
> > > Flash plugin blocks – important information

Flash plugin blocks – important information

- Webmaster, Flash, Promotool, Browsers, News
Flash plugin blocks – important information

Flash plugin blocks – important information

Recently important changes of browser policies related to Flash contents has taken place. Since AWE Promo Tools rely on Flash, it is important that all of our webmaster partners are aware of these new conditions and our development professionals would also like to offer advice about how to deal with them.

A new feature has been recently released that serves the purpose of prolonging the battery life of notebooks by blocking the loading of Flash contents, which – from the browsers' point of view – aid advertising functions.

So far 2 browsers have installed this feature:

  • Safari
    The latest versions enable this feature by default. When blocking Flash content, the browser takes both its size and its position into consideration. Read more here.
  • Chrome
    The current Beta version (Chrome v44.x) enables this feature by default but it can be enabled manually in all current versions. When blocking Flash content, the browser takes its size, its position and its source into consideration. Read more here.

The AWE Approach – What to do?

Our development teams will try and find a solution for this situation. If you use our Promo Tools, at this moment we suggest that you make sure the Flash content (the Promo Tool itself) is at least 400x300px large, which is big enough in size, to avoid being blocked by browsers.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know at or in the Comments section below!