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How do you make money with your WL3?

- Whitelabel, Webmaster, Tips & tricks, Monetizing
How do you make money with your WL3?

How do you make money with your WL3?

PLEASE NOTE: Conditions have changed due to the discontinuation of the WL2 sites. Check out our new offers and conditions related to the recently released Whitelabel4.

Now that you have created a Whitelabel in only 10 minutes, you might wonder how and where the money comes rolling in.

You can consult our previous articles dedicated to this issue: How much can I earn by promoting adult sites on my blog? and How to increase conversion but on top of these, we have further tips for you to consider and implement on your road to becoming a successful webmaster.

You are expected to put some effort into this task – you may have a cam site with a steady background to rely on provided by, but at the end of the day it is up to you whether you are going to have traffic, and, subsequently profit owing to your new venture.

Our experience with webmasters shows that you are most likely to make money with your whitelabel if you meet some requirements.

To sum things up, the best place to start from is if you

  • already have your own site
  • your site is of adult content
  • the site is easy to relate to live cam services
  • or you have a relevant, short domain name
  • or you have an existing user base and existing traffic
  • or a very good idea (for traffic, for content)

These are the basic conditions to make a good start. If none of these apply to you, we advise that you start advertising one of our own brand sites (e.g. LiveJasmin, or instead of starting a whitelabel from scratch.

On one hand, Whitelabels have a domain based tracking and they can protect your own brand; on the other hand, brand sites, such as or are established brands that provide higher commission on REVS because of an established customer trust, as these are well-known brands and you can also choose from a variety of programs, such as REVS and PPS.

If you do meet these requirements, you have a WL3.0 site ready to go. You did everything as we prompted, maybe added a few unique ideas and threw in a few tricks on your own to bring conversion and you are ready for the checks rolling in. But you still lack clicks. How can you get more?

Your existing user base

As mentioned before, ideally you already have a user base and direct your traffic to your new WL site. In fact, as you may already know, whitelabels are intended exactly for this purpose: monetizing already existing traffic, which is an advantage for conversion.

If you do not have a user base to rely on, you can start with a blog to build a loyal audience. Please note that there is a difference between your own blog and the blog option in the WL Editor. A blog on your own domain may offer more options for customization but there are also many benefits to rely on in the case of the WL blogs as well, of course.

Tips to expand your target audience and to keep them too

I. Narrow your targeting to niches
Select a relevant niche (e.g. Gay, Asian, Tranny, MILF, etc.) and stick to it, it will make your site identifiable and unique so it is a very profitable choice to make in the long run. Microniches are also available, you can find out more how to make use of them in the next topic.

II. Featured models / categories
One useful way to employ this feature: if you have a studio account on LiveJasmin, you can have your own models on the site as featured performers. In the case of microniches, too, it is very useful, you can assort your microniches manually, such as girls with glasses, women with nice feet – whatever your audience wishes to see, you can deliver.

III. Selected models / categories
You can have customized categories with featured performers you wish to highlight. Whatever featured category you set, you can still have selected models who will be highlighted in the first row on the relevant list pages. If you wish to use selections other than the automatic selection setting or you have models who convert extremely well, you can make sure they are listed in the first rows on your page.

IV. The appearance of your WL
It should closely resemble your original site, provided that you had one in the first place, so that the users will experience no apparent transition between your own original site and the Whitelabel, and their customer trust will be preserved. You can also implement a custom header, place links on the site, and have your whitelabel’s header adapted to your own needs.
In case you have a CamTubeLabel site, you have even more options to have your site customized to your own and your customers’ demands, to the extent of making your CTL look identical to your original site. The photos: their sizes, their frames, their positioning; and the menus: the side, the header and the sidebar menus can all be adjusted to look exactly the same as they did on your original site.

V. Coupon codes
These are one of the best incentives, available on our whitelabels.
How do they work? It’s really simple: upon their first purchase, the customer enters the coupon code with an immediate result of a 5-15% discount with their first purchase. You should in fact promote this opportunity to let all your users know that they will be able to register on your site with an additional discount.
Central credit card validation is in effect in the following countries: AU, FO, GB, GI, GL, HU, IS, JP, LI, LU, MT, NZ, PT, SG, SM, CA, DE, FI, FR, NO, SE, IT, AT, CH, ES, NL, BE, DK, IE, GB, US, meaning that users have the opportunity of a free registration (without having to pay immediately, i.e. they can have a free member account status as well) but coupon codes will be most effective outside these particular countries.
Obviously this incentive will only be effective once you start promoting it and let your user base know about it. Create banners, write posts about the importance and benefits of the coupon code, and advertise it on your own site and on social networking sites that accept adult content as well.

VI. Free account creator
You can benefit from this feature in case you have a membership site. Offer free accounts on your whitelabel and all the users of your original site will instantly become members with a simple click on your new WL.

VII. One-click payment
This feature is yet to be implemented, but it is coming soon. This is one of the best converting solutions to monetize your existing members if you have a paysite that works with the payment processors Epoch or CCBill. For more information, offers and conditions, please write to us at

VIII. Buying traffic for WLs
If you decide to go for this option, you need to have ample experience in the field of media buying – you may not benefit from it if you don’t have experience in dealing with paid traffic sources. We are going to dedicate a complete article to this topic soon, packed with useful advice by our in-house media buyer professionals.

IX. Blog + SEO
If you wish to rely on SEO to bring more traffic, focus on your blog and your feature page. The WL site itself is hard to rank for, since they are in principle duplicates of our main sites and they are ‘canonicalized’ by default.
However, if you publish several blog posts per week with unique, relevant and quality content to increase member retention, Google may index your site and you will find that textual content can result in a successful traffic boost.
On the other hand, though, creating posts for mere keyword stuffing (you know what it is, right? It’s hoarding keywords like a squirrel caches excessive amounts of peanuts for the winter. Google, however, is not appreciative of this.), is not likely to bring you any traffic and can actually hurt your business when you get a manual Google penalty for it.
When creating blog articles, write them for human users and not for the search engines only. Remember that the blog has to be interesting for your visitors, because then you will get people to read it and to return whenever there is new content. Also, people are more likely to place a link to your blog on another site or share it on social networks if they think your content is worth it. And you need those backlinks!
Furthermore, don’t forget to add links between blog posts, if relevant, and to pages on the WL site. When creating links, make the link text relevant to the linked page.
We are planning to post soon more about how to build backlinks and how to use blog content in order to gain more traffic for your White label.

Which advice did you find most useful? Share your questions and feedback with us by commenting right below the article!