
> > > One-Click payment - simplifying sign-ups and purchases!

One-Click payment - simplifying sign-ups and purchases!

One-Click payment - simplifying sign-ups and purchases!



One-Click payment is recommended primarily for partners who own membership sites and/or send traffic to whitelabels from their existing paying member pool. It is an easy solution to monetize your current member base immediately and build a new member base for a live cam service. As a start, first you will need to create a Whitelabel with AWE.

One-Click payment provides simplified registration and payment processes on whitelabel sites. Paying members from your paysite will have an automatically created whitelabel account and their payment info will be stored as well. So these new members can make purchases on your live cam whitelabel without submitting their payment information. We certainly recommend the implementation of One-Click, provided that your site is associated with Epoch, CCBill or RocketGate as payment processors.


Once the member clicks on the One-Click payment option (it can be a link, a model image / thumbnail, a banner, an iframe – it’s up to you to decide), the Whitelabel system creates an account for the user automatically, based on the username and email address and payment identifier provided by you and then the user will be directed to the Whitelabel site.

The user will have the payment identifier already on the Whitelabel site. It means that the user can purchase anytime on the Whitelabel without being asked by the system to fill out his payment details.

If you don’t have a connection with one of the payment processors referred (Epoch, CCBill or RocketGate), you can still setup the one click feature without the paying details, for simplifying the signup process.


You can implement One-Click payment if your site’s payments are processed by Epoch, CCBill or RocketGate. You must also have paying members who have already made purchases through either of these payment processors. It is also required to have a good history with IPSP and the integration is approved by both AWE and IPSP.

Either of these processor companies need to be asked to do the connection between your account and the whitelabel’s one in order to set up the One-Click integration.

Your site needs to have a designated advertising spot for the One-Click feature, be it a menu tab, a category link, a model image or a banner, etc.

Note that additional fees may apply to this feature. Get in touch with your designated AWE account manager who will be glad to inform you of the conditions, help you with your private API authentication credentials and a documentation which you will need to consult to implement the API codes for the setup.

In order to get the One-Click running on your own site steadily, you need to go all the way with the preparations and the implementation. Any step of the way do not hesitate to contact us at